Hobson's Choice Magic
the best advise and products for the magical entertainer
12 Chapters
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HOBSON “Perfect” EGG -
Designed for use with the Hobson Egg Bag
This is the FINEST fake egg to use with the Hobson Egg Bag!
“ Why use a delicate blown egg or a cheap plastic egg that can
break when you can have the BEST!” - Jeff Hobson
VISIBLE! Large size! 2.5 X 1.75 inches!
CRUSH RESISTANT! You’ll be amazed at how tough this egg is!

INSTANT Rental Watch NOW
Jeff Hobson's NEW Professional Magic Lecture

Online instant access to Jeff's newest lecture which includes;
Flame through Silk
INFINITY Card Control Principle
Friendship Band - Great penetration effect
Knife through Coat - The way it should be done
Hobson's Sympathetic Silk Routine - The best!
INSTANT Rental Watch NOW
Jeff Hobson's ORIGINAL Pro Magic Lecture
Online instant access to Jeff's EXPOSED lecture includes:
SILK-TO-APPLE - Hobson's corporate opener
BALLOON BAG - A staple of many kid-show magicians
RIBBONS THRU - Hobson's kid-show closer!
SALT POUR - DIY with items you probably already have
WATCH STEAL - Hobson's gives his best advise
CAUCASIAN BOX - Hobson's twist on the Jap Box
KISS CARD TRICK - The easiest and best method
HOBSON MATCH PULL -DIY- Only one that always works!
and MORE! 2 HOURS of instruction!

Jeff Hobson's first book, Hobservations on Comedy Clubs, was written 25 years ago but the information is as relevant today as it was when it was first written.
Now out-of-print, Hobservations on Comedy Clubs, gives concise and real-world advise on how to work in the world of comedy clubs or anyone who wants to perform comedy with magic. Chapters includes advise on character, audience management, hecklers, and content.
Only $1.99!
Note!: Upon purchase, you will be taken directly to the PDF. Please download or save link at that time. Link is not sent via email.-jh
Each bag will have different fabric characteristics. What may seem like a flaw or bump in the fabric is actually due to the exotic nature of raw silk and is to be expected.
Jeff Hobson's Pro Magic Lecture
For the serious performer, this is real-deal, inside information that can change your life if you want to make your living as an independent entertainer. Jeff rarely lectures due to his busy schedule however, this lecture was given for a small, privileged audience in Las Vegas, Nevada. The promise to this audience was that the information would not be shared to anyone else for at least 5 years. Jeff has not given this lecture since. The normal charge to attend this lecture was $50.00 per person. Now you have the opportunity to use this valuable information to your benefit for a fraction of the price. Worth many times to those who are serious about making a living as an entertainer. Subject includes advise on dealing with agents, finding and developing character, and handling clients and much more.

The best Egg Bag in the world. Just ask anyone who owns one.

You can also view video here:
NOTE: Perfect Eggs sold separately
The One and Only HOBSON Egg Bag

Limited supply
All Hobson Egg Bags are made meticulously by Yvonne Rochelle and personally checked by Jeff Hobson
These new colors are gorgeous!!!!
Peacock is made from the finest raw silk and machine-made which means that it the fabric is very smooth.
Eggplant and Abracadabra are both made from the finest raw silk available but the fabric is hand made which gives it a more natural "unfinished" finish found on old-style luxury furniture and clothing. We call Abracadabra fittingly because of the magical iridescence of color....you'll see the fabric change from purple to blue hues and visa-versa as you turn the bag. Quite beautiful.

Original Red
Golf Green

More cool
stuff below
I just received your bloody bag...and I am just so pissed...all these details...they are just so right, in every respect....the "bi-color" bag...yes, you love it, me too...but so evident..what a better way to explain the inside from the outside....and the so subtle art to be bulky, in the texture, to hide the " belly thing"....HAAAAAAA, how clever these things....and the bigger operture, so evident when you do it...so evident that you just wonder why Malini and the followers din't thought of that before....
Hate you for sharing these subtelities, but loving you for the same reasons..
I fly tomorrow to Djerba, just one week in vacation, family included, I take the bloody bag with me...and will practice it ...
So many thanks....
An email from Gaetan Bloom regarding the Hobson Egg Bag

35 years in the making!
"This is equal to my Hobson Egg Bag - a STRONG effect. The simpliest, most direct, most visual, most worry-free method for the thumb tie. My Thimple Thumb Tie."
-Jeff Hobson
U.S. Priority Shipping to U.S. and International
Just restocked. Limited quantity ORDER NOW.
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SILVER - Distinguished color of riches, has cool properties like gray, but is more fun, lively, and playful. The color silver is associated with meanings of industrial, sleek, high-tech, and modern, as well as ornate, glamourous, graceful, sophisticated, and elegant. Put Hobson's SILVER SHADOW to work for you and tell your audience you have class!

only 4 left!
no video
"I just got the egg bag. WOW WOW. I have used all the other Egg Bag at one time. I love the Jeff Hobson egg bag it’s so far Beyond all the others. I only found one problem with it, why did I wait so long before I got the Jeff Hobson egg bag!!!!" -BH
You can also view video here:
Jeff Hobson's Opening Stage Trick is finally available in a kit!

Jeff Hobson's pet opening stage trick, the SILK-in-APPLE was a favorite of the best selling DVD, Jeff Hobson EXPOSED.
Now ,13 years later he has updated the handling, compiled the best props and put it all into one kit.
You get the correct size hoop, the perfect corer, 12, 9" silks and gimmick. (supply your own apples, marker, and standard plastic food wrap)
Also included
An updated 38-minute tutorial video including teaching the flip-stick


Attention: Only GREEN bags are available until further notice.
Attention: This item is not available at this time

This was Billy McComb's pet closing trick for decades and now I use it as my closer. I've improved the props with a specially designed, handmade, "Whiskey Bag". Also included are two, lightweight glasses and gimmicks that have PERFECTED the production and vanish sequence. Now it's SUPER easy to do and worry-free. Just add whiskey (I use iced tea). THIS IS MY NEW CLOSING ROUTINE! And now it can be yours too. Can also be performed at children's show with flavored liquid or juices.
Very limited number will be made.
Click email to reserve at jeffhobson@icloud.com

Appearing Golf Club
BEST AVAILABLE! Looks great and freaks out your audience because it's made from a REAL golf club head and a stainless steel appearing cane. Trust me, this one gets a reaction when produced.
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BIG 5 1/2" JUMBO size.
Use with your multiplying
golf balls. Put the Jumbo
ball into a hat or other
receptacle. For show, do
multiplying balls to 4,
drop them into hat, then
turn the hat over to show
the 4 balls turned into a
JUMBO golf ball. Great
trick with laughs!
Ball has padding to
reduce "noise".